Dr. Michael Mynatt
Senior Pastor
At Hillcrest, we have a four-fold goal in fulfilling the Great Commission. Worship, Bible Study, Service, and Missions.
First, we want to Worship the Savior. Jesus said that the key to drawing people was for Him to be lifted up. We know He was talking about His impending death on a cross, but the church has the responsibility to continually lift up the mighty name of Jesus. We do that through Biblical Worship.
Second, we believe that we are to study God’s Word together in groups. We do this through our Sunday Morning Bible Studies offered at both 9:00 am and 10:30 am. We encourage other Bible Studies throughout the year for those who want something more directed to a specific topic. Click the link below to find a Sunday Morning Bible Study Class.
Third, we believe that we are to serve together. This includes a service area within the church. We desire to see each person within the Body of Christ to have an active service role. This is displayed in many ways at Hillcrest from our greeting ministry, hospitality ministry, widow ministry, and teaching team. Those are just a few examples, but the importance is for each individual to have a service role within the life of Hillcrest. We want to be a church on mission, and we want that mission to be God’s and not our own. We invite you to come and help us be all God created us to be as a church family here at Hillcrest as we reach our City, State, Nation, and World.
Matthew 28:19-20
We are a Church that believes in participating in, working to fulfill, and praying as partners in the Great Commission. Would you be a part of this commitment?
Whether you are contemplating a mission trip for the first time or are a veteran trip participant, we want to make the process of going on a trip with Hillcrest as easy as possible. There is a world waiting for us to bring the hope and love of Jesus to them. So, find your trip, sign up, and let’s get going!
There are three ways to become a member:
– BAPTISM: For persons who have been saved by accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and desire to obey Christ by being scripturally baptized by immersion
– LETTER FROM ANOTHER BAPTIST CHURCH: For persons who are saved, have been baptized by immersion after salvation, and are members in good standing of another Baptist church which will transfer them by letter to HBC
– STATEMENT OF FAITH: For persons who are saved and have been baptized by immersion after salvation but are not members of another Baptist church
Enrollment in a Church Ministry organization (Sunday Morning Bible Study, Missions, Choir, etc.) Does not constitute Church membership.
We offer a class called "Discover Hillcrest" to learn more about our mission, vision, and values. This class, led by Bro. Michael is offered once a quarter. Click the link below to register for the next class!
Discover Hillcrest Registration
When should you be baptized? Immediately after salvation. Acts 8:36-37 – Philip baptizes the Ethiopian Eunuch
Why should you be baptized? – Jesus commanded it in Matthew 28: 19-21. “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them….”
– Show our obedience. Acts 2:41 – “They who gladly received His word were baptized….”
– Show our love for Christ. John 14:21 – “He who has my commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me.”
What does baptism mean? The Greek “baptizo” mean to immerse, submerge; to make overwhelmed (i.e. fully wet). Baptism is symbolic of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, and of your public profession of faith in Christ. “. . .died to my old way of life and am buried with Christ in baptism and raised to walk with him in newness of life.” (Romans 6:4) “Therefore whoever confesses me before men, him will I confess before my Father, which is in Heaven.” (Matthew 10:32-33)
How do I schedule my baptism? Call Sandy Mallory in the Senior Pastor’s office and request an appointment to discuss your baptism with Brother Michael. After this meeting, you may see Sandy to schedule the date and/or service time for your baptism.